International Academic Advisors
International Academic Advisors was founded on the idea that learning happens everywhere. With the proper tools, anywhere can become a classroom.
Hone your skills and explore the world with our immersive courses or stay vigilant about applications and receive advice on showcasing experiences abroad with the help of our trusted higher education consultants.
Unbound Education
About us
At International Academic Advisors, we know the importance of immersive learning. Be it a coffee shop, open hill, or historic museum, valuable lessons and stories are waiting to be discovered in every corner of the world.
We provide an array of international trips to hone your craft. Study abroad with IAA as a student, work with advisors while applying to schools, or travel with us on in-depth tours of unique locations. Regardless of where you are in your academic journey, IAA is ready to handhold you through every step as your trusted academic advisors.
Academic Advising
It is increasingly popular for students to take time off between academic enrollments or fellowships in the form of a “Gap Year.” While this time away is enriching, it can also be difficult to convey that value to institutions. Additionally, some “gappers” struggle to maintain focus and motivation while on the road. IAA organizes international trips to help applicants demonstrate the significance of their time away and stay on task while traveling.
Immersive Courses
Traveling is about more than seeing new places; it is a chance to immerse oneself in a new way of living and come out with unique perspectives and skills. IAA-led immersive courses aim to do just that. In-depth instruction on culturally significant crafts grants travelers the opportunity to become students in new and fascinating environments while maintaining the joy of leisure travel.
Study Abroad
IAA works with academic institutions, master instructors, and educators as higher education consultants to provide high-level instruction to college and graduate students. Students enroll in international trips that focus on foreign languages, archeology, or the arts. Students work with experts to enhance and contextualize their regular coursework.